
Corporate responsibility

CASSAVA aims to manufacture cassava-based solutions for its costumers, developing and producing technologically leading industrial ingredients endowed with high added-value. The company assures:

The satisfaction of its costumers

and other interested parties in our business through the interaction of our manufacturing unities.

Compliance with requirements

and continuous improvement of the efficiency of its Quality Management System.


 and continuos formative qualification of its employees.

Improvement of systems

and financial results, aiming the solidness, security and availability of organizational

Quality Policy

Os 5’S
Implemented in all CASSAVA unities in 2002, o 5’s aims to continuously improve the organizational environment, through joint actions intended to propitiate the disposal of superfluous materials, and the
the organization, identification and cleanliness of these environments. All this to stimulate proactive attitudes among colaborators and improve their quality of life.

Sense of organization

Identify both what’s necessary and superfluous to carry out the work. Rule out what’s

Sense of

To order is to idealize an adequate arrangement for the work material. It must make it possible to easily localize things and information required quickly and securely at once.

Sense of cleanliness

To eliminate any kind of impurities in the area and take preventive actions, keeping everything clean.

Sense of conservation

To preserve the utilization, organization and cleanliness, taking heed to avoid any
regression in our achievements. Also, to prevent harmful conditions to the quality of life.

Sense of discipline

To comply with ethical and operation procedures and adopt stablished standards. To respect hierarchy and follow the operating principles of the company and demonstrate good conduct. To
develop self-discipline to do all this spontaneously and make it a lifestyle. To introduce moments of awareness to make the implementation of task a habit, without, however, thinking that everything is working perfectly or
that there’s nothing to be improved.