
Environment and social projects

CASSAVA will conduct its operations around the world in order to protect the environment and the health and safety of employees, third parties, customers and general public.

The company will comply with all relevant environmental legislation and will also promote the reduction of waste and the preservation of environmental resources.

The company will train its employees in environmental aspects related to the work under its responsability. All major modifications and expansions will be designed in order to comply with environmental regulation in effect

CASSAVA acknowledges the need for enviromental protection measures and undertakes to employ products and procedures in conformity with the environment.

The company recognizes the need for community contribution and is commited to provide assistance through donations, charity and volunteering.

Renewable energy

The company provides proof that the eletrical power consumed in its facilities comes exclusively from clean
sources, is totally renewable and does not harm the environment.

The eletric power consumed by the company derives from power plants that employ sources certified by the
federal government (wind, solar, biomass, SHP’s and HGP’s) in order to obtain a clean and sustainable
energy matrix in accordance with the principles and values of the company. By employing renewable energy
sources, the company achieved the following sustainability indicators: